Compositions: Anthony Pateras (AUS)
Premiere: Les 6 toits, Geneva, 30.09.2022
Percussion : Sarah Amar, Anne Briset, Thibaud Cardonnet, Chiao-Yuan Chang, Nicolas Curti, Louis Delignon, Dorian Fretto, Aurèle Gerin, Nikolay Ivanov, Jeanne Larrouturrou, Jérémie Maxit, Fabien Perreau, Jaouen Rudolf, Gabriel Vatchev
Music direction: Alexandre Babel
Light Installation : Florian Bach
Sound: Jean Keraudren
Technique: Janos Horvath
Software: Rohan Drape
Production : Eklekto / Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body
With the support of: Ville de Genève, la Loterie Romande, Australia Council for the Arts, Music Pass et Les 6 toits.
Photo: Nicolas Masson