Concept, artistic direction: Davide-Christelle Sanvee
Acting: Steven Schoch, Davide-Christelle Sanvee
Creative assistant and video control: Dîlan Kîliç
Sculptures and lighting design: Florian Bach
Sound design: Baptiste Le Chapelain
Lighting, video and stage manager: Luis Henkes
Costumes: Marie Schaller
Video production: Raphaël Piguet
Sculpture construction: Cedric Bach - CEN.Construction
Administration: Ars Longa
Premiere: Le Grütli: Centre de production et de diffusion des Arts vivants, Geneva, June 12, 2024
RTS video archive, Un étranger dans le village, Pierre Koralnik
Co-production: Le Grütli center de production et de diffusion des Arts Vivants, L'Arsenic - Lausanne
Research residency: Kaserne Basel (January-March 2024)
Support: Ernst Göhner Foundation, Foundation for Swiss Performers (SIS), Loterie Romande, Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia
Photo: Eden Levi Am, Dorothée Thébert, Florian Bach